miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

Right to Die?

Hello bloggers :D

Today I’m going to talk about a controversial topic: Euthanasia. The first time I heard about it, I thought it was a respetable practice.

The case of Craig Ewert is one of the most famous, he was a man who lived on England and had to travel to Switzerland to euthanasia. He had the same disease that has Stephen Hawking, and they made a documental called: “Right to Die?”. Here goes a link:

I don't really have a religion, but catholicism is my family's religion and they say euthanasia is something against God’s will. I think this is something without arguments because they also say God gave us the right to take decisions, so you shouldn’t be seen like a sinner if you practice it.

Also, the chilean government has a traditional way of thinking and penalizes this practice. I think this is concordant with all the stupid things they do and with their intolerance. I wish one day this practice could be legal, because it’s really difficult for an average person to travel to another country just to die.

I think we should empathize with the persons who would like to stop suffering a disease, they take a difficult decision because they leave their family, friends and dreams. I guess we shouldn’t make them more problems, they already suffer a lot, so I agree with euthanasia because I think is a right we all have.

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Finland, the place I'd love to visit

Hello! today I’m going to talk about one of my dreams, and that’s travelling around the world.
The country I have always wanted to visit is Finland. Why? That’s easy, because is one of the countries ubicated in the Arctic Circle, it means that if you go to this country, you’ll see one day when the sun will be above the horizon for 24 continous hours, and another day when the sun will be below the horizon for an entire day.

I know a lot of things about Finland, it’s a country situated on the Northern Europe, there are no many persons on there. This country has one of the most beautiful nature, boreal landscapes and a lot of snow. The weather is always cold, they don’t have more than 20ºC on summer, and it reaches frozen temperatures on winter, even below -40ºC. Also, is one of the most prosperous countries of the region, the country has a highly dremocratic political and they don’t have corruption.

I would like to go to that country one day, and learn their lenguage and manners. I’d like to visit many landscapes and take a lot of pictures, because I imagine this place is amazing. If I’d have the oportunity, I’d like to live there, because since I was a little girl, I loved all the countries with arctic climate.

That's everything! :)

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

I love movies!

Hi bloggers, how are you? Hope you’re fine. I’m almost sure that all of you know Cuevana. The amazing heaven of free online movies. Well, I’m a fan of this website because I don’t really like going to Cinema, and it’s just sad when you watch a movie and it’s extremely boring and then you noticed that you paid for it. I’m not sure if you have felt this, but wasting your time and your money is something that messes everyone around.

So, as you may predict, most of the time I watch movies online or I download them, but I don’t really like to do this last. To watch a movie, I waste a minute or two as the movie charges at Cuevana, then I close the door of my room, close the curtains and everything is black. I have my own cinema in 5 minutes for free.

Cuevana has a lot of movies, and I have seen chileans films too, but I don’t really like them. My favourite is a japanese film called “Spirited Away”. It’s an animation film, all characters are created by Hayao Miyazaki. It’s a fantasy-adventure film, it has a lot of magic, mysticism and characters related to japanese culture. Maybe that’s one of the reasons I love it. I’ve seen this like ten times and I never get bored (and I’m sure I never will). I totally recommend this film, if you want to travel around a new fantasy world, you must watch Spirited Away.

So, the movies I like are all the sensitive ones, movies with a message, or movies that talk about the life of an inspirational person, like biographycs movies. I hate all common american films, with cheerleaders and stuff. I don’t think they really send a message, so that’s why I don’t really like them.

Sometimes I think I’d like to make a film about my life, but it wouldn’t be really great. My life is almost common, I’ve lived great and bad times, as everyone, so maybe my movie would reflect the evolution of my mind and my soul, meeting new persons and learning how to live without making anyone suffer.

So that's everything, see you later!

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

The New Term

Hello bloggers, did you miss me? Well I did (I love writing on my blog). So, I’m here to talk about this new term on my academic life. As you can see, I started clases again on November, and that’s pretty strange, obviously, because usually we finish classes on December.

We were 6 months on a strike, a lot of time, and finally we decided to start classes again, but our semester will be short: just 2 moths.

Now I have 8 subjects: English IV, a General Formation Course (I have to make a website of my career for this one), Psychiatry, Developmental Psychology II, Social Psychology II, Qualitative Methodology, Cognitive Neuroscience and Introduction to psychological assessment.

I think I like all the subjects, but my favourite one is Developmental Psychology.

Well, I don’t have many expectations, I feel like this time won’t be enough to learn all the necessary, and clearly I won’t have time to spend on myself, or being with my family on christmas, or partying on new year (in fact, I have a test the day after New Year) but honestly... I’m excited, on the strike I felt quite vague so now I’m focused on studying and learning.

Okay, that’s everything! See you soon :D